Sunday, June 26, 2011

The regularly scheduled update

Howdy folks. Again, nothing doing here. We are still in the same holding pattern that we have been in for years now. Just waiting. Chris has a job, just not much of one. I have started my own little business doing photo editing, but it's hard to get the word out. I've done some commercial work for Chris's boss and I'm working on some more. But it's not enough to live on. The kiddies are enjoying summer. We took off this past week and went to the Tennessee Aquarium. We had a ton of fact, I don't think I've uploaded pics of it yet. Shame on me!!! I did go out today and take pics of the kids, I was only a month or two overdue. Attie was the one who had the goofy looking faces unusual for her. Kaelyn looks way to grown up in her's of course. Emma was nice and smiled alot for me. Other than that, nothing much has been going on. If you would, snag my banner below and direct people to either my DA page HERE or to my FB page HERE. I will love you forever for it!! Photobucket

Monday, June 6, 2011


Bordom makes you update your blog. lol Nothing going on. I'm just sitting here listening to Jars of Clay and waiting on it to be time for me to leave for the doctor. I've got an hour and a half to go. I wish I had been able to sleep later than 5, that would have been nice. I was gonna spend this summer sleeping in...hahaha. I have absolutely nothing interesting to tell, nothing has happened. Chris is back in school for the summer. The kids are enjoying being out of school. I got the house looks nice. Chris has a job now, but he's yet to get paid. I'm about to scream at all the crap we are being forced to put up with. It's unreal. But there's nothing else, so I have to believe that this is where we are supposed to be. What else is there to do? Anyway, that's an update on the whole boring situation. More next month...maybe better news...