So, I mentioned last time that I had changed. That is very true. In the time I've spent away from my blog, I've almost become a different person in more than one aspect. I've learned a few new things, had somethings reinforced and changed my views on quite a lot. There is nothing like working for a "mission" to give you a good cold dose of reality. I have come to the conclusion that the modern day church is nothing more than a false prophet. A pit of vipers if you will. Now, this certainly does not go for every single church out there...that would be silly. No, I mean as a collective the church of today is not concerned with helping people so much as building large buildings, holding fancy ceremonies, and making sure they look really good to actually help anyone. In the past 4 years it has been my unfortunate experience that the church really like my talents and my willingness to help others...and those churches have exploited it, in one case coming close to actually killing me. (No, that is not an exaggeration...medically I was in quite a was not good.)
These "organizations" loved that I had a big heart, I could sing, I was good with kids, I could do photography and such. They loved it so much they constantly asked me to do all sorts of things, far more than should have been asked. And, in one case, while they were busy taking from me...they actually wanted me to pay them money...even though other volunteers were given discounts and such for their work...I was not. Yeah. Go figure.
You see....somewhere a few thousand years ago this guy went around and he tried to get people to be nice to each other and help each other. That was what I wanted to, because in my own life I had felt helpless. I was a sucker. And I'm sure you can see I am still not happy about it...but this is what the blog is for. It's here for me to work through this and find my way back to me. The me I want to be.
I've seen that "churches" will use the threat of hell over and over again...fear mongering. At this point in my life I have no fear of hell. There was a time when I did, but after living through what I have, hell is here on earth. I don't fear anything that might happen after I'm dead. It the things that can happen while I'm alive that bother me. However, it is very easy to keep your sheep in place if you constantly remind them that they will be damned for doing bad things...things that you say are bad. Because, folks, if you didn't know...those people lie. Don't believe me...READ IT FOR YOURSELF. Seriously, get the big book of everything and read it. If it is not mentioned over and over and on a consistent basis...yeah...that's not damnable offense. You see the book also has this dude's words in it is really easy to see what he said. Most of the crap that people say he said was important...yeah...he didn't say it. In fact, those people don't know that because they didn't read it either, they relied on what someone else told them. If you want to work out what you believe...don't listen to anything a human tells you...including me...go and research and find it out for yourself.
Ok...I'm a little worn after this first I'm gonna go now. I've gotten this poison out of my system and now I need to take time to step back and evaluate. I'm sure there will be more to come.
Ta for now...
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